Hive Update XX

Sugar rush incoming! Our bees are buzzing with renewed energy after we gave them extra resources to their hives.

In the early months of the year, the bees may need a little help securing enough resources. We help them out by giving them supplemental feedings to tide them over until the nectar flow picks up.

There are a few different ways to feed a beehive in the winter:

  • Pollen patties – A pollen substitute that stimulates brood production.
  • Heavy stickies – Sharing frames from neighboring beehives that are rich with resources including nectar, pollen, and honey.
  • Honey-board – A unique method of feeding to the Best Bees Company. It’s where we essentially lay a blanket of honey on wax paper coated in sugar on top of the hive’s inner cover.

No hungry bees on our watch!


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