Hive Update XXIII

During July, the frames in the hives were rearranged to promote growth and productivity.

In a beehive, the arrangement of the frames is very important. The bees put brood in the center frames, sandwiched between frames of pollen, nectar, bee bread, and then honey is stored in the outside frames.

The bees need to build out comb on the frames before they can be used for storing anything. However, if a blank frame is on the outer edge, the bees will ignore it. They’ll use up the already built-out frames, then think they’ve run out of room. By moving a blank frame closer to the center of the box, the bees are gently encouraged to utilize it. This gives them more room for storing bee bread or honey.

The right hive needed a little extra TLC this month. Sometimes, a colony experiences difficulties in securing enough resources (after all, there’s a lot that goes into supporting the hive!). They need pollen, nectar, honey, a healthy brood (baby bees), a sufficient number of workers, and a strong queen to thrive.

We gave the bees a combination of pollen, nectar, and honey, which was just the boost they needed to best support their needs!

When you have multiple hives on site, they can supplement each other’s resources. Sharing is caring!


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